Welcome To The Healing Green Agenda Group

We are a group of local residents who have a shared interest in anything to do with the environment and our effect on it.

It covers what is happening to our natural world, what seems to be causing change and what we need to do to bring about some positive solutions to the problems that we are facing. This is not new – we have seen the impacts of human activity over many years. These impacts are becoming much more obvious and effecting many people now, so action is more necessary. There is a lot more evidence available now about how we can make positive change.

Our aim is to do what we can at Village level by working on a number of projects. These will range from making Healing an even greener Village, monitoring and looking after local flora and fauna and sharing knowledge about living in a more sustainable and energy efficient manner. On the way we hope to encourage the local school and youth groups by providing support and resources and sharing in joint activities. And have an enjoyable time while doing it.

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